How Do I Get A Refund From Alitalia?

Sometimes, you may face a change in your planned trip with Alitalia. It may be any reason to change your flight booking. But if you find it difficult to cancel a flight booking, you can contact the customer service team. Not only canceling a flight ticket but also you can get a refund on Alitalia Airlines.

The airline understands such situations that you may need to cancel a flight ticket. For this, the airline offers you a flexible cancellation policy. And all the cancellations and refunds take place as per the guidelines decided by the airline. Moreover, if you wonder how do I get a refund from Alitalia, you can find the procedure here to apply for a refund.

But before you cancel a flight ticket, you must know the refund policy of Alitalia so that you can save money and get a full refund. So, make it easy here is a list of things that you should consider before requesting a refund.

Things to Know Before You Request a Refund on Alitalia

  1. When you want to cancel a ticket and get a full refund, you should cancel the tickets within 24 hours of the flight ticket purchase. Within 24 hours of the purchase, you won't face any cancellation charges and may get a full refund.
  2. Also, the 24 hours cancellation policy applies to the booking made seven or more days before the day of flight departure only. Otherwise, the charges apply to the cancellation even you cancel the ticket within 24 hours.
  3. Moreover, only refundable flight tickets are eligible to request a refund. Non-refundable bookings won't get a refund on cancellation.
  4. Further, once the airline accepts your refund request, it may take up to seven working days to get a refund. In case you face any delay in receiving the amount, contact the bank.

In case you need more information about a refund dial Alitalia Contact number to get all details. Moreover, you may follow the instructions if you wonder about the process to request a refund. 

Follow the Steps to Request a Refund Online on Alitalia

  1. First and foremost, you are required to visit the website of the airline.
  2. There you have to select the My Flights tab.
  3. Then you should enter the reservation code, first name, last name, and click the Search button.
  4. After that, you can see the details of your booking on the screen.
  5. Further, you find the option to cancel your booking and request a refund online.
  6. Also, you need to follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
  7. In this way, you receive a confirmation of the refund request on your email account that you mentioned in the contact section.

With the information explained above, you may request a refund and get a full refund. Aside from this, at any point of the process, if you find any trouble with the refund, you can connect with a live person at Alitalia phone number. The support team experts are available on a single phone call and that too around the clock. So, without wasting time, make a phone call whenever you need assistance.

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